Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

Level 14.


itu tanggal dimana writer ini mau naik level ke level 14. Flashback tentang semua kejadian sama musibah-musibah yang dateng pas gua masih level 13. Gua cuma bisa berdoa semoga di level 14 ini ga terlalu banyak tantangan. 

Sedih ninggalin level 13. karna di level itu juga gua punya banyak kejadian-kejadian yang ga bakal dilupain. sedih juga karna udah semakin tinggi levelnya. semakin banyak tantangan di setiap level nantinya. tapi... kalo diperhatiin sih, hidup ini singkat. singkat banget dibanding kehidupan di akhirat. Bayangin aja, kita lahir trus jadi bayi trus sekolah trus lulus trus kerja trus nikah trus punya anak trus anaknya kawin trus punya cucu trus mulai sakit-sakitan trus GAME OVER. 

Ngerti maksud saya? 

Game over. 

artinya mati. ya, kita mati abis itu. 

sedih? menurut gua itu sedih. hidup kita cuman sementara. Life is a short trip. 

makanya itu, sejak mikirin soal itu, gua jadi ngeri sama yang namanya naik level alias ULANG TAHUN. itu geli taugasih. dan kadang gua suka sedih dengerin lagu yang judulnya "Forever Young" yang (setau) gua sih itu yang nyanyi John Lennon. tapi dinyanyiin ulang sama One Direction. 

bukannya benci sama hari ulang tahun. tapi... gamau nambah umur aja. 

bukannya gamau keriput. tapi... gamau makin tua aja. 
bukannya gamau diucapin terimakasih. tapi... sedih aja pas tau level alias umur gua udah nambah.

okay, saya harap, reader ngerti apa yang saya omongin. emang gaje, tapi ini uneg uneg saya dari dulu. 

"semakin nambah level, semakin males maininnya. dan lama-lama jadi game over" -(classmate)

Rabu, 13 Februari 2013

One Direction - Loved You First

Kali ini, gua bakal ngepost lyrics yang menurut gua sih agak dalem lyric nya. pas banget sama kisah gua *eaak

Girl, it should be me 
Driving to your house 
Knocking on your door 
And kissing you on the mouth 

Holding on your hand 
Dancing in the dark 

Cause I was the only one 
Who loved you from the start 

But now when I see you with him it 
Tears my world apart 


I’ve been waiting 
All this time to finally say it 
But now I see your heart’s been taken 
And nothing could be worse 
Baby, I loved you first. 
Had my chances 
Could've been where he is standing 
That’s what hurts the most, 
Girl, I came so close 
But now you’ll never know 
Baby, I loved you first 

Girl, it should be me 
Calling on your phone 
Saying you’re the one 
And that I’ll never let you go 


I never understood 
What love was really like, but 
I felt it for the first time 
Looking in your eyes 

But now when I see you with him 
My whole world falls apart 


I’ve been waiting 
All this time to finally say it 
But now I see your heart’s been taken 
And nothing could be worse 
Baby, I loved you first. 
Had my chances 
Could've been where he is standing 
That's what hurts the most 
Girl, I came so close 
But now you'll never know 
Baby, I loved you first 

The first touch 
The first kiss 
First girl to make me feel like this 
It’s killing me 

I loved you first, why can’t you see? 

I’ve been waiting all this time to finally say it 
But now I see your heart’s been taken 
And nothing could be worse 
Baby, I loved you first. 

Had my chances 
Could've been where he is standing 
That's what hurts the most 
Girl, I came so close 
But now you'll never know 
Baby, I loved you first 

Baby, I loved you first 
Baby, I loved you first 
Oh, yeah 
Baby, I loved you first